Money: Lesson 2
• Explore ways to make more
• Productize your services
• Cultivate a money mindset
Money: Lesson 3
- There are “riches in niches”
- Examples of niching down
- Matching your strategy with your money goals
Money: Lesson 4
- Projections calculator
- Base case, medium case and best case scenario
- Which products and services are scalable?
Money: Lesson 5
- Productizing your services
- Examples of productized services
- How this will help you scale
Money: Lesson 6
- Cultivate an abundant money mindset
- Rewrite your money story
- Create a money mantra
Money: Lesson 7
- Prioritize managing your money
- Check in with your accountant
- Be sure to verify all your financial documents
Money: Lesson 9
- Margins and KPI
- Determining the best margins for your industry
- Cash is Queen
Money: Lesson 10
- Create an emergency fund
- Consider Profit First Bookkeeping
- Ask for a line of credit
Money: Lesson 11
- Accessing growth capital
- 5 ways to finance your business
- Are you ready to raise capital?